Originally, there was a famous Latin saying “societas delinquere non potest”, meaning that society could not commit crimes.
Today, after the Italian revolution of Legislative Decree no 231/2001, in parallel with managers and administrators, a huge list of crimes can be charged against the companies as well, if the crime is committed for a specific interest or advantage of the company itself.
The actual regulatory system includes the possibility to punish the company with economic penalties, (from € 25.800 to € 1.549.000), interdictive sanctions, (banning their entire or partial activities, withdraw a specific authorization, prohibition to deal with Public Administration, exclusion from any funding).
The Law Firm offers a tailored consultancy that seeks for protecting the interests of the related company and from all the crimes committed by its employees.
The Law Firm provides consultancy about the Model of Organization according to the Legislative Decree 231/2001 and about the Organism of Supervision.
To request your Consultancy write to info@stefanopipitone.eu
alternatively You can fill the following form.