Justice. Conviction for abuse, injury, sexual assault-claim of victim accepted

Justice. Conviction for abuse, injury, sexual assault-claim of victim accepted
Studio Legale Pipitone



D.P. sentenced to 9 years and 6 months imprisonment for serious and protracted abuse

Catania, 13 September 2024 – After more than ten years of abuse and suffering, justice has finally been done for D.C., a victim of ill-treatment, injuries, sexual violence and robbery by her partner, D.P. On Thursday 12 September, the Court of Catania, Criminal Section IV, recognised as proven the crimes reported by the woman in December 2021, sentencing the defendant to 9 years and 6 months’ imprisonment and compensation for damages in favour of the victim.

Represented by lawyer Stefano Francesco Pipitone, Mrs. D.C. reconstructed in court the decade of violence suffered by her so-called ‘ bossy partner’, describing in detail the episodes of ill-treatment and violence. The complaint originated from the last serious episode of violence, which took place on 26 December 2021, during which, following an argument that had arisen for trivial reasons and in the presence of her minor son, D.P. had immobilised and assaulted the woman, repeatedly hitting her on the head with a mobile phone, causing her serious injuries and copious bleeding.
That dramatic episode marked the turning point for the victim, who, after fleeing to the emergency room, found the courage to denounce years of abuse, humiliation and harassment suffered, filing a complaint with the Carabinieri of San Gregorio di Catania (CT).
After a long and complex process, consisting of 20 hearings, the Court collected documentary evidence and testimonies that confirmed the victim’s account. In light of this evidence, the court found D.P. guilty beyond reasonable doubt on all four counts.
In addition to the prison sentence, the defendant was sentenced to perpetual disqualification from public office, from assuming any role in the field of guardianship, curatorship or support administration, as well as from exercising functions in public or private institutions or facilities attended by minors. He was also banned from approaching places frequented by minors for one year and obliged to constantly inform the authorities about his residence and any movements.

The ruling is an important signal for all victims of domestic violence, confirming that despite lengthy proceedings, justice can be achieved.